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Pieridae - The Whites, Yellows & Brimstones

My butterfly images are linked to dark blue script - the rest I have not yet photographed.

Catopsilia florella African Migrant

Leptidea reali Real's Wood White

Leptidea juvernica Cryptic Wood White

Leptidea duponcheli Eastern Wood White

Leptidea morsei Fenton's Wood White

Anthocharis damone Eastern Orange Tip

Anthocharis gruneri Gruner's Orange Tip

Zegris eupheme Sooty Orange Tip

Zegris pyrothoe

Euchloe eversi

Euchloe grancanariensis

Euchloe hesperidum

Colias tyche Pale Arctic Clouded Yellow

Pieris cheiranthi Canarian Large White

Pieris kreuperi Kreuper's Small White

Pieris balcana Balkan Green-veined White

Pieris wollastoni - ?extinct

Colias erate Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow

Colias myrmidone Danube Clouded Yellow

Colias chrysotheme Lesser Clouded Yellow

Colias aurorina Greek Clouded Yellow

Colias caucasica Balkan Clouded Yellow

Colias hyale Pale Clouded Yellow

Pontia chloridice Small Bath White

Euchloe simplonia Mountain Dappled White

Euchloe ausonia Eastern Dappled White

Colotis evagore Desert Orange Tip

Euchloe tagis Portuguese Dappled White

Euchloe insularis Corsican Dappled White

Euchloe bazae Spanish Greenish Black Tip

Euchloe penia Eastern Greenish Black Tip

Gonepteryx farinosa Powdered Brimstone

Gonepteryx maderensis Madeiran Brimstone

Gonepteryx cleobule Canary Brimstone

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