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Plebejidea loewii - Loew's Blue

Plebejus-loewii-loews-blue | PTKbutterflies

This species was new to me in 2014. It was easily stumbled across on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey in early June. The male colours have hardly been done justice by my lens. Their irridescent blue flashes change hue as they fly, with the deepest sea blue tones. It was an awesome sight to see them in numbers across a coastal hillside, one of my most treasured outings and butterfly photographs.  

The underside hindwing has red/orange submarginal markings mainly restricted to S1 - 4 with bright blue spots close by. They are not, however, easily mistaken for anything else!

Plebejus-loewii-loews-blue | PTKbutterflies
Plebejus-loewii-loews-blue | PTKbutterflies
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