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North American
North American Species Lists
Callophrys augustinus
Callophrys eryphon
Callophrys irus
Callophrys mcfarlandi
Callophrys sheridanii
Callophrys spinetorum
Calycopis cecrops
Celestrina ladon
Celestrina lucia
Cupido comyntas
Glaucopsyche piasus
Hemiargus ceraunus
Leptotes cassius
Lycaena cupreus
Lycaena hyllus
Plebejus acmon
Plebejus icarioides
Plebejus melissa
Plebejus saepiolus
Strymon melinus
Cupido amyntula
Euphilotes ancilla
Feniseca tarquinius
Glaucopsyche lygdamus
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